Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cannes Film Market

Whether your script or project is a low budget film or a blockbuster movie, studios, private investors, insurance companies and bonding companies will always require a budget. All of these financial sources will be at the Cannes Film Market taking place in May. These companies base their decisions whether to greenlight or finance a film or not on three pieces of information, 1) script, 2) actor and director attachments, 3) a film budget. If you are going or have a representative going, make sure that they are armed with a budget to accompany your script. Before you create your budget, make sure you know your targeted market. So if you know that you will be meeting with or submitting your project to companies who finance movies in the $10-$20 million budget range, then make sure that you have a movie budget in that range.

Check for a sample film budget.

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