Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tax Credit - Wisconsin

The Governor of Wisconsin signed into law a very limited, new refundable credit for the film, television and video game industries. The overall provisions are as follows:

-Fully refundable tax credit - capped at $500,000 per year in total expenditures
-25 percent credit on the salaries and wages paid to Wisconsin residents making $250,000 on the project or less. Salaries and wages to nonresidents are not included.
-25 percent credit on Wisconsin production expenditure purchased in Wisconsin
-15 percent credit on film production company investments
-35 percent of the project's total budget must be spent in Wisconsin to qualify.
-Existing film and video game-related companies that wish to expand the state are eligible for the tax incentives under the company investment credit.
-Establishes application fees
-Lowers the threshold for an accredited production from $100,000 to $50,000
-Extend the eligible timeline for video game projects from 12 to 36 months.
-The proposal eliminates the non-refundable sales tax exemption that existed in previous law.
Remember to exclude the tax credit from your film budget.
Check QuickFilmBudget.com for a sample film budget!

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