Friday, April 23, 2010

Tax Credits - North Carolina
North Carolina’s film incentive is a refundable tax credit; Eligible productions receive a
check for the full value of their refund.
Eligible productions are required to file Intent to Film with the North Carolina Film Office
prior to production.
Credit may not exceed $7.5M (~$30M in-state spend)
Eligible productions include film, television, direct-to-video/DVD features, episodic
television series, television mini-series, theatrical, animation productions, and commercials.
For purposes of this tax credit, an episodic TV series is considered one (1) production.
Spending for goods (fuel, food, airline tickets, etc) purchased or leased from an NC
business is eligible for the tax credit if purchased in NC for an NC production. On goods
purchased for $25k or more, the amount included as a qualifying expense is the purchase
price less the fair market value of the goods at the time of production is completed.
The cost of production-related insurance qualifies.
Compensation and wages paid to employees for services performed in NC on
which withholding payments are remitted to the NC Department of Revenue are
eligible for the tax credit regardless of whether paid to residents or non-residents.
Wages up to $1,000,000 will qualify
Loan-outs are required to pay 4% withholding on compensation.
Payments for per diem and fringe benefits are eligible to the extent they are
included in the recipient’s taxable wages subject to withholding.
Incentive is extended to January 1, 2014.
North Carolina must receive on-screen credit.
North Carolina does not charge filmmakers for use of
state-owned property.
Remember to exclude the tax credit from your film budget.
Check for a sample film budget!

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